The Performance Management Tool is a web-based performance management tool for staff and managers in the College of Arts and Sciences. Please contact your assigned HR Consultant on the ASC HR Team with any questions.
- Real-time Performance Tracking: Provides ease of documentation of progress on performance goals throughout the performance year. The new tool is a “living” document rather than an annual event. The focus will be feedback on performance and professional development goals specific to the position.
- User-Friendly Interface: The new Performance Management tool boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
- Simplified Process: Simplifies the process by combining the ASC Performance Self-Evaluation, Mid-Year Review, and Performance Review & Planning forms, eliminating the previous DocuSign process. There will be one overall review rating, rather than multiple ratings by section.
- Review Period:
- April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025: This is the annual review cycle for staff in the College of Arts and Sciences. All Regular staff (not temporary/term) are required to receive annual performance evaluations.
- Performance Management Tool Opens for Employee Goal Setting:
- August 20, 2024: Performance Management Tool is officially launched and will be accessible for use by staff employees to enter their goals for the performance period of April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025.
- April 18, 2025: Recommended deadline for staff to complete annual self-evaluation. Staff are encouraged to communicate with their manager if additional time is needed to complete this step.
- Performance Management Tool Open for Managers to complete Annual Review:
- April 1, 2025: Performance Management Tool is open for managers to record annual performance review comments and rating.
- June 1, 2025: Final Deadline for Managers to complete Annual Performance Evaluation and rating.
Virtual Training Sessions for Managers for Buckeye Performance – No Registration Required:
This 90-minute interactive training designed for campus people leaders (those who directly supervise staff) will orient leaders to the Buckeye Performance philosophy and rating scale. By the end of this training people leaders will be able to effectively interpret and apply these ratings. Managers are encouraged to attend one of the following sessions. A recording will be made available following the sessions for those managers who cannot attend.
1. April 3, 2025, 2:00-3:30pm: Buckeye Performance Manager Training
Click here to join Zoom meeting on April 3
Meeting ID: 996 3624 7571
Password: 897565
2. April 4, 2025, 1:00-2:30pm: Buckeye Performance Manager Training
Click here to join Zoom meeting on April 4
Meeting ID: 986 8563 2804
Password: 871331
3. April 7, 2025, 10:00-11:30am: Buckeye Performance Manager Training
Click here to join Zoom meeting on April 7
Meeting ID: 945 2475 0450
Password: 400478
On-Demand Buckeye Performance Training for Staff Employees:
Training is now available for Buckeye Performance, Ohio State's consistent, standardized approach to performance management. This training will help staff understand the Buckeye Performance philosophy and rating scale. The Buckeye Performance Employee Training is a 30-minute, on-demand course in BuckeyeLearn.
- March 1, 2025: Year End Self-Review Opens for Staff
- April 4, 2025: Recommended Completion Date for Self-Review
- April 1, 2025: Year End Rating and Review Opens for Managers
- April – May 2025: Annual Performance Review Conversation between Employee and Manager, Employee and Manager Sign Completed Review, and Employee records any final employee comments.
- June 1, 2025: Year End Rating and Review Final Completion Deadline
- Late Spring 2025: Online Tool Opens for 2025-2026 Goals and Professional Development
- Ongoing April 2025 – March 2026: Conversations, regular feedback, coaching notes between Staff Employee and Manager, document progress in the tool throughout the year.
- 1. College of Arts and Sciences Staff Annual Performance Cycle is April 1 – March 31
- 2. Year End Self-Reviews are encouraged, but not required
Job Aids
The self-review should reflect your accomplishments for the period of April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025. The self-review is optional, but highly encouraged. This is your opportunity to share your successes, opportunities for improvement and professional development, and overall contributions in your role over the past 12 months. The self-review should be completed by April 4, 2025.
Instructions for Completing Annual Performance Goals and Self-Review.
- Log into and click on “Current Plan”.
- Click on “Position” to review your position description (this is generated from Workday). This is a good opportunity to review your job responsibilities and expectations.
- In the “Goals and Objectives” and “Professional Development” sections, you may add the goals set with your manager for the period of April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025. Goals should be added individually by clicking “+Goal”.
- To access your Year End Self Review, click on “Current Plan” at the top of the page
- In the text box under “Year-End Self Review,” provide a summary of your work during the performance period. Here are some examples of topics to address in your self-review:
- Achievements: Highlight your major accomplishments.
- Challenges: Discuss any challenges faced and how you addressed them.
- Provide Examples: Support your statements with specific examples.
- Quantify Achievements: Whenever possible, use quantifiable metrics to demonstrate your achievements. This could include percentages, numbers, or timeframes.
- Align with Shared Values: Show how your behaviors align with Ohio State's Shared Values.
- Development Areas: Identify areas where you would like to grow and your ideas for professional development.
- Goals for the Next Period: Share your ideas on realistic and measurable goals for the upcoming period.
The Year End Manager Review should reflect employee performance for the period of April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025. Annual performance reviews and ratings are required for all Regular (not Temp/Term) staff hired prior to April 1, 2025. Annual reviews are optional, but encouraged, for Term and Temporary staff. The review and performance rating must be completed by June 1, 2025.
Instructions for Completing Annual Performance Review and Rating
- Log into and click on “My Team”.
- Click on “View Plan” next to the employee’s name you would like to review.
- In the “Goals and Objectives” and “Professional Development” sections, you may add the goals set with your employee for the period of April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025. Goals should be added individually by clicking “+Goal”.
- If you or your employee entered goals in the “Goals and Objectives” and “Professional Development” sections, you may add comments and coaching notes for each goal.
- In the drop-down menu under “Year End Performance Rating,” select the overall rating which best reflects the staff member's performance during the performance period. The employee will be able to view this rating as soon as it is saved in the tool. Do not enter and save the rating until you are ready for the staff member to see the rating.
- In the text box under “Year End Manager Review”, provide a summary of the employee’s work during the performance period. The employee will be able to view the review comments as soon as they are entered and saved into the tool. Do not enter and save the review comments until you are ready for the staff member to see the comments. Here are some tips for completing the review:
- Staff Self Review: The self-review is optional, but highly encouraged. Staff are asked to complete their self-review by April 18, 2025. Consider the information provided by the employee in their self-review as you complete the annual review and rating.
- Achievements: Highlight the employee’s major accomplishments.
- Development Areas: Identify areas where you would like the employee to grow and develop
- Provide Examples: Support your statements with specific examples.
- Align with Shared Values: Discuss how the employee’s behaviors align with Ohio State’s Shared Values.
- Goals for the Next Period: Discuss priorities and goals for the upcoming period. Performance goals for the period of April 1, 2025 – March 31, 2026 will be documented in the next year’s plan, which will be available for you to complete later this summer.